Everyone shops in thrift stores, but you can generally divide the customers into these categories:

The recycling enthusiast
A person who would like to buy used goods instead of new. These can typically be young people who want to protect the environment and therefore do not want to buy new. The vast majority of customers in thrift stores are recycling enthusiasts.

The Collector
People who collect different things and where thrift stores can be a natural place to find these things and at a reasonable price. It can, for example, be collectors of LPs, porcelain or books. Or because it is not possible to buy as new if you e.g. missing a certain glass or plate.
It can also be people who, for example, Need costume clothes for a party, where thrift stores normally have a larger and cheaper selection.
It can also be people who are just looking for something exciting.

The money saver
There are people in Denmark who do not have very much money, and for them thrift stores are a necessity to survive. It is typically clothes and furniture that are bought. Fortunately, this is the smallest category of customers in thrift stores.

On this website you can see a map of more than 1,000 charity shops and flea super markets in Denmark or find shops in each city/postcode. Use the menu items at the top of the page.

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